Terms & Conditions.
Please read the following terms and conditions of service.
Prior to cleaning we will carry out a visual inspection of the vehicle. This is to establish any damage including, but not limited to dents, scratches, marks, scuffs and cracks. We will not be held responsible and will accept no liability for any damage caused prior to our services.
You will make clear any damage that you are aware of prior to cleaning/decal removal.
We will not be responsible for any paint that flakes during cleaning due to using fully tested, professional products. We will not be responsible for any paint that flakes due to existing scratches, stone chips, damage or faulty repair. This can occur when paint has been re-sprayed and procedures have not been followed properly when the work was done.
If any work has been done on the vehicle, including, but not limited to re-sprays, please make us aware of this prior to cleaning. We accept no liability for damages sustained to paintwork not protected by lacquer or done to a high standard.
We will not be responsible for any damage to paintwork during decal removal on paintwork that was re-sprayed/damaged prior to the artwork being applied.
Unfortunately, the weather in this country is not very consistent and is unreliable. If weather conditions prevent your chosen service being carried out to its full potential, another time/date will be arranged at no extra cost.
We are well aware that circumstances can change quickly, however, if you need to cancel/amend a booking, we require at least 48 hours notice.
A customers vehicle will not be moved unless permission has been given by the owner.
We will not undertake work in a hazardous environment. If we feel the vehicle is not safe to clean in the current location, we will obtain permission from the owner before moving it, or ask the owner to move it themselves.
A customers vehicle will not be moved unless permission has been given by the owner.

We will not undertake work in a hazardous environment. If we feel the vehicle is not safe to clean in the current location, we will obtain permission from the owner before moving it, or ask the owner to move it themselves.
Delays can happen, however in the event of a delay, we will contact you as soon as possible.
If any damage occurs to your vehicle that is deemed to be our fault, we will, at our option, either have the damage fixed or compensate the owner as to what we feel is reasonable. No liability is accepted for: a) Damage or loss caused by a third party, i.e. any party not employed by us and covered by our insurance. b) Damage or loss caused by natural disaster, including, but not limited to, flooding, lightening and fire. c) Damage or loss caused by Government operations including but not limited to war, national or local emergencies and council operations. d) Consequential loss of you or your vehicle through any default on our part. e) Loss or damage to your vehicle caused by us due to damage or weakness of your vehicle that has not been discussed prior to cleaning and that we are unaware of.
Insurance for your vehicle is your responsibility and remains this throughout the time it is in our care. Our insurance does not cover loss to your vehicle in any way.
You must adhere to payment terms and full payment must be made on satisfactory completion of your vehicle. Payment must be that which is quoted at the time of booking. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
Payment in full must be made before the return of your keys to the value of the service carried out. Keys will be released on receipt of full payment. Payment can be made by either cash or bank transfer on the day of the appointment. We reserve the right to charge interest on any such unpaid service charges. We do not accept cheques.

Vehicles over four years old may be made with inferior materials and cleaning will be carried out at owners risk.
We take no responsibility for damage to vehicles that have satin or matt paint or a satin/matt wrap on their vehicle. Vehicles with this type of paintwork are done at the owners own risk due to the complexity of these types of paintwork.
You confirm you have a spare set of keys. We accept no liability for loss or damage caused to you or your vehicle resulting from losing keys or locking keys inside the vehicle.
Please be aware that cleaning engine bays does carry a small element of risk. We will not be liable for any damage done as a result of engine bay cleaning.
Please be aware that as a result of cleaning a vehicles bodywork and/or engine bay, dependent on the condition (such as a heavy oil leak), this can cause some staining to the surface below the vehicle. We accept no responsibility for any staining caused.
We will not re-fit any attachments to your vehicle, including, but not limited to, child car seats.
Some of our products can be slippery when dry including, but not limited to, polish. We accept no liability for loss, damage or death to you as a result of not adhering to this warning.
You will be liable to us for any injury, loss or death suffered as a result of any defect or content of your vehicle.
We will not be held liable for any loss, injury or death suffered as a result of negligence of warnings regarding our equipment.
By using our services, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.